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Image by Ganapathy Kumar

Together we are stronger 

Arming every Arizonan with basic hygiene and nutrition through redistributing resources


Many Arizonans lack access to some of the most crucial resources against COVID-19. Soap, our #1 defense, is an inaccessible item for thousands in the state of Arizona, increasing the risk of transmission and infection. Our goal is to provide every Arizonan with hygiene, nutrition, and other basic defenses against COVID-19. We do so by working with local AZ businesses to redistribute and donate hygiene products, food, etc. to those in need, especially in high-risk areas.



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Thank you to everyone who participated in our July donation drive for local Phoenix rescues and shelters. We raised many donations that will be benefiting Phoenix Rescue Mission, Sojourner, UMOM, 

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    As you purchase gifts for loved ones during this holiday season, please do not forget about our struggling vulnerable populations and consider making a contribution to make a big difference for those in need.

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Many non-profits rely on resources such as non-perishable food items and hygienic items. We gather donated items from local businesses and individuals and redistribute them to our local non-profits as well as assemble our own hygiene kits to equip every Arizonan with basic necessities.

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